热搜资源: 听力真题e标准日本语考研日语


For this assignment, write descriptions in Japanese of two different traveldestinations.You may choose venues in Japan or other destinations.Yourwriting may take the form of a travel diary or information for a travelbrochure or promotional piece.You do not need to have visited the venue.   Feel free to use the Internet as a resource.    As an example, you might write a description of a trip to Hawaii, includingwhere you stayed and how long.You could describe a surfing lesson(include the cost) and describe the experience.Your second piece shoulddescribe a different destination.    Be sure your writing reflects your current abilities in Japanese plus yourwork in past courses as well as your work in this course.   Each description will be worth 15 points, based on use of grammar,vocabulary, and content.   
As a reminder, this is the grammar we have covered in recent lessons:
? Embedded questions
? Informal form of the copula
? Honorific and humble verbs and expressions
? The particle に to indicate a specific occasion or purpose
? Potential form of the verb
? Causative verb form
? し。。。し to link clauses
? て-form for cause and effect

